Did you know that your spine supports about half your total body weight? It’s true! Your spine is a complex structure that protects the nerves inside your spinal cord …
Your spinal canal is a hollow space in your vertebral bones that runs from your neck to your lower back. It protects your spinal cord, the bundle of nerves …
Your lower back consists of five vertebral bones precisely stacked one on top of the other. These bones make up the base of your spine (also called your lumbar …
Back pain is extremely common and a leading cause of disability. What might start as mild discomfort can progress to debilitating pain without the proper care. Many people hesitate …
Your spine is a stack of vertebral bones and discs that runs from your neck down to your pelvis. The bones give your spine strength and structure, while the …
Up to 4% of teenagers develop adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). The condition often takes parents by surprise as their child has probably had prior scoliosis evaluations with no signs …
A key element of reducing or eliminating back pain is addressing the condition that’s causing it. Synovial cysts can cause nerve compression, but what causes synovial cysts, and what …
Between 10%-40% of Americans have sciatica at any given time. Considering how prevalent these painful symptoms are, you’d think that more medical professionals would offer more effective treatment. The …
Spondylolisthesis is a common cause of back pain. At least 4%-6% of American adults live with this condition, although the figures could be higher as some people have the …