Spinal Stenosis Specialist

What is spinal stenosis?

Spinal stenosis is the narrowing of the spinal canal. While genetics determine the size of your spinal canal, it can narrow because of degeneration, gravity, misalignment, disc problems, and more.

That’s why spinal stenosis is more common with increasing age. A narrow spinal canal can compress nerves and lead to chronic pain.

What are the symptoms of spinal stenosis?

Signs and symptoms associated with spinal stenosis include:

  • Back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Leg or buttock pain
  • Burning
  • Numbness
  • Weakness
  • Cramping
  • Spasms

Pain due to spinal stenosis may increase with walking and subside with rest. Discomfort associated with spinal stenosis might be mild or severe. It can come and go or linger long term.

What causes spinal stenosis?

Spinal stenosis can occur because of:

  • Advanced age
  • Arthritis
  • Scoliosis
  • Spinal misalignment
  • Poor posture
  • Poor muscular support
  • Thickened spinal ligaments
  • Scar tissue
  • Spinal injuries
  • Herniated discs

Your risk of developing spinal stenosis increases if you’re over 50 or have scoliosis, other congenital deformities, trauma, or genetic diseases affecting bone or muscle development.

How is spinal stenosis diagnosed?

To find out if you have spinal stenosis and determine its severity, Dr. Le or Dr. Morgan reviews your symptoms and medical history. They use imaging tests, such as X-rays, CT scans, or MRIs, to make a final diagnosis and develop a treatment plan.

How is spinal stenosis treated?

Your personalized spinal stenosis treatment is based on the severity of your condition. The spine specialist might recommend:

Spinal manipulations

Dr. Le or Dr. Morgan completes a series of spinal manipulations while you lie down on a comfortable exam table to realign your spine and relieve discomfort.

Massage and Myofascial release

Massage therapy and myofascial release techniques help relieve stressed and tense muscles that pinch nerves associated with spinal stenosis pain.

Non-surgical spinal decompression

The expert team at Spinal Stenosis and Disc Center, Inc. uses innovative DRX 9000™ technology for advanced, non-surgical spinal decompression. It’s a sophisticated, computerized, integrated spinal traction table that relieves chronic spine pain.


Your spine specialist shows you exercises and stretches to perform at home to reduce pain, improve spinal alignment, and relieve pressure on pinched nerves.

Inversion therapy

Inversion therapy is a procedure that helps reduce the effects of gravity in specific conditions to relieve chronic discomfort.

Epidural injections

In severe cases when inflammation is inhibiting the healing process, Dr. Le or Dr. Morgan may recommend steroid injections. Steroid injections can reduce inflammation and discomfort associated with spondylolisthesis.

Don’t live with spinal stenosis and discomfort associated with it when simple treatments can offer relief. Read more about spinal stenosis by reading our 3 articles: Article 1, Article 2, Article 3. Schedule an appointment with Spinal Stenosis and Disc Center, Inc. by phone or online today.